Monday, June 6, 2011

Weekend world

My weekend is different each time depends on where I stay. It is unpredictable, unplanned, but totally fun.
During the weekday, I and my husband sleep in our photography studio because it is convenient for working, no need to be commute on the street on unnecessary rush hour-traffic chaos/crisis of Bangkok. Therefore, our weekend is important, it is our objective when we moved to stay in the studio that we would not assembly the bathtub because we would gonna spend a weekend in different hotel each week and use their bathtub. It became more than just a tub,I usually book the hotel looking as well their swimming pool, their gym, their other fancy facilities. It is mandatory for my career to be as up to date as possible to all design, technology and latest interior and living space experience. This idea suites our needs both professionally and personally and econoimically. The latter because we have saved a lot of money we used to spend on renting nice apartment and now we spend it instead on different hotel experience through the weekend. A lot of saving and make a lot of sense.
Then, I began blogging about each stay, reviewing their facilities and collecting my to-stay list.
Enjoy peeping in the weekend world of KanJANA at the link on your right;


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