Monday, June 6, 2011

WALK bless you!

Being lived in NYC, walking is the familiar act to me. Thing is different when come to walking in Bangkok, Thailand. the sidewalk does not design for walking pleasantly. No wonder I have come across many people who used to hurt themselves trying to walk BKK footpath including me. Written in one of the famous Thai song," made in Thailand," singing that Bangkok is the city that people got fallen into the side street sanitary public pipe construction.
But I still love walking.... There is no limit when you walk, you can stop anywhere you like, whenever you like. There is no traffic restriction, there is you and your feet keep walking to everywhere you want to. I usually do my walk training two weeks before I go traveling. it is my commitment to practice myself, my feet and my shoulder to accompany the actual weight of my carry on bag, walking shoes, camera, things that I would be carrying or wearing during the trips. While I am walking, I document what I saw, met or found, I write about each walking trip and catalogue in the blog called "Walk Bless You!" I try to make it regular ritual and routined it to be on my Sunday afternoon. You are welcome to join the walking club if you like.

By KanJANA and the feet club

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